Important Notes!
Your security FOB can arm and disarm the alarm by swiping past the sensor twice quickly.
We have had a few alarms go off in the studio if people do this accidentally. Please be careful when entering, if you hear the alarm countdown, enter your PIN in the panel before time runs out!
Never arm the system with a double swipe, you must enter your PIN code in the panel to ensure the system is armed.
If you accidentally trigger the alarm, please contact Joy ASAP to alert her of the false alarm.
Arm the System (Exiting)
Step 1. – Wake the System up by tapping it anywhere. The screen is not very responsive so press it firmly.

Step 2. – Press the ‘Arm/Disarm’ button.

Step 3. – Press the ‘Arm’ button.

Step 4. – Enter your four digit code. Make sure you press firmly. Press the green check mark to complete arming the system. If you forget it, you can look at the numbers on your fob. Your code is the last four digits backwards.

The alarm will start counting down with a beeping noise. You now have 60 seconds to exit.
Disarm the System (Entering)
Step 1. – Swipe your fob to unlock the door, the alarm will begin beeping and you have 60 seconds to enter your code and disarm the system.
Step 2. – Wake the system up by tapping it anywhere. The screen is not very responsive so press it firmly.

Step 3. – Press the ‘Arm/Disarm’ button.

Step 4. – Press the ‘Disarm’ button.

Step 5. – Enter your four digit code. Make sure you press firmly. Press the green check mark to complete disarming the system. If you forget it, you can look at the numbers on your fob. Your code is the last four digits backwards.